May 8, 20181 min


COOKBOOK: Salad Perfection


I overcooked the couscous! It seriously only takes 5-7 minutes in boiled water , close with a lid, fluff it up when the time is over. Allow it another minute if liquid hasn’t quite absorbed.

My planets were not aligned on this day!

This recipe was a little different as it substituted the water for stock and that gave it so much flavour but it was still a day of disaster. I had bought cooked rather than raw prawns! It was that kind of day, all I needed was a blackout!

I managed to survive the day and this dish turned out ok!


Serves 4

1/2 cup olive oil

4 tablespoons of lemon juice

2 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped

1 tablespoon celery seed / or powder

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

1/2 teaspoon cumin

1 1/2 cup of vegetable stock

500g prawns (raw)

250g small calamari squid, cut into rings

300g couscous

3 tomatoes, finely diced

6 shallots, chopped

20 fresh mint leaves

salt and pepper

Heat half of oil and fry garlic and shallots, transfer to bowl and add lemon juice, turmeric, celery and cumin.

In a deep pot heat the extra oil and fry the calamari and prawns. Add the garlic mixture and allow to cook for approx 5mins or until seafood is just tender.

Add mint, add stock and bring to boil. Turn off heat.

Add couscous, place a lid on pot and allow it to absorb the liquid for approx 5 mins. Remove lid and fluff up. Add diced tomatoes.

Ready to be served.
