
Jan 29, 20211 min


COOKBOOK: Mag Recipe - Take 5

If you only want something light, warm and delicious… it is!
In my opinion tofu should not be eaten frequently. It contains the 9 essential amino acids which is great but it also contains estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones. Some findings suggest that these compounds could promote the growth of some cancer cells, impair female fertility, and mess with thyroid function.

Do some research if tofu or any other soy based food is your best friend



Serves 4

5 cups of chicken broth

2 tablespoon soy sauce

170g firm silken tofu, cut into 2cm cubes

1/3 cup of shallots, sliced

1 tablespoon butter

Salt & pepper

12 Chinese mushrooms, cut roughly if too large

In a frying pan, melt butter and add the mushrooms. Add salt and pepper. Fry until mushrooms are just softening and browning.

Add broth & soy sauce to saucepan, add tofu and shallots and bring to boil. Bring to simmer. Add mushrooms and any juices in the pan. Taste test, if required add a little more salt and pepper. Simmer for 3mins and its ready to serve.

